In the heart of Gauteng, South Africa, Tiko is making waves in empowering young individuals like Nontokozo through its fresh and creative approach to sexual and reproductive health education and support. Nontokozo’s journey shines a light on how Tiko’s programs are not just informative but truly life-changing, giving strength to young adults as they tackle different obstacles head-on.

Nontokozo’s Introduction to Tiko

Nontokozo has struggled to communicate with her mother about her experiences navigating sex and love as a young person, sharing that: “My mother wanted me to see a traditional healer for contraception, but I wasn’t comfortable with that idea.”

She’s thankful that visiting a local medical clinic led her to a Tiko Club session, held in partnership with Soul City Institute – a small group of Tiko members who meet regularly to learn new skills and connect – to help her get the services she needed to protect her sexual and reproductive health. This led her to not only being educated around these topics, but also being welcomed into a community that understands the challenges she faces as a young person navigating her sexual health. She enrolled on the Tiko digital platform and got started on her family planning method of choice for free.

By connecting with peers at the Tiko Clubs, Nontokozo also received advice and support on how she could bridge the communication between her and her mother.

I appreciate the friendly approach of healthcare workers at the facility and Tiko members in the community. I now feel like I know more about what I want.

Informed Decisions About Sexual Health

Central to Nontokozo’s journey with Tiko is the empowerment she found in making informed decisions about her sexual health. From discovering family planning methods like the three-month injectables to learning about Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention, Tiko equipped Nontokozo with essential knowledge and resources to take charge of her well-being.

“I didn’t know about PrEP before joining Tiko, but now I see how important it is in protecting me against HIV. It’s not easy for me to negotiate condom use, so PrEP is my step towards looking after my health.”

Tiko is helping to bring a sense of responsibility and awareness throughout the community. Despite facing resistance from some boyfriends, Nontokozo shared that she now actively encourages them to get tested for HIV so that they are also taking charge of their health and keeping others safe.


Overcoming stigma and misinformation around HIV

Nontokozo shared that discussions about weight gain in the community are often associated with taking HIV treatment medications. At the same time, weight loss is often associated with a person living with HIV.

Thanks to the knowledge that she has gained through Tiko, Nontokozo is able to help break down these misconceptions amongst her peers.

“I’m learning so much at Tiko Clubs, and the nurses who join us from the clinic are very helpful.”

Shaping Healthier Futures for Young People

As we celebrate Nontokozo’s journey to feeling empowered about her health and wellbeing, we recognize the vital role of programs like Tiko in shaping healthier futures for young people in South Africa and beyond. Through collective efforts and continued support for initiatives promoting sexual and reproductive health education, we pave the way for healthier communities where youth like Nontokozo can thrive.

Learn more about our work with young people here.